Write For Us

Want to be a contributor!!!!

Would you like to contribute to our site by Guest Blogging? If the Answer is “YES” We’re now accepting guest post articles.

Write for us

We accept guest contributions covering the topics of Android Apps, Games, Tips & Tricks and More!!! So, if you think this is your area of expertise or you can share something awesome that’s new to our readers, we appreciate you!
But, before you write an article for us, you need to remember a few things, Like:
  • Contents should be 100% original and previously unpublished, (including your own website.)
  • The article must be exclusive to Us.
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism.
  • Your article should be minimum 350 words.
  • Check your grammar and spelling error.
  • If you want to include images, make sure you include their source.
  • Send your article in Word format.
  • Attach your images separately.
  • Include your bio at the bottom of the article.
  • You are allowed to include only one dofollow link in your bio.
  • We won’t accept any promotional articles.
  • Write your article using American English. 
So if you want to talk about our guest blogging service, GO TO => Contact Us
and send us an E-mail. We'll try to reach you as soon as possible.